Ayurvedic Pain Relief Oil For Arthritis And Joint Stiffness
Arthritis is a problem which affects all joints in body specially knees which carry whole body’s weight. Aging brings problem like slow functions of body organs. This leads to low supply of vital nutrients to ligaments, tendons and fasciae and causes inflammation which in turn leads to stiffness. This prohibits one from doing normal movements and activities. Joint parts are made from fibrous connective tissues. Elasticity in these tissues allows one to make movements. Increase in amount of synovial fluid in joints also causes inflammation. Sometimes with blood circulation, harmful molecules enter in soft tissues around joints and this result in swelling. Stiffness increases with tenderness and creates difficulties in making moves. Due to strained tissues, bending or twisting becomes very difficult. Arthritis may cause deformation of bones which makes skeleton weak and leads to back pain and other problems. To get rid of arthritis, it is necessary to reduce inflammation.
Rumatone Gold oil goes deep inside the skin and provides nourishment to nerves which in turn improves blood circulation. With improved blood flow, supply of nutrients to cells and tissues increases. Elasticity in ligaments, tendons and fasciae also increases which allow free movement of joints. This ayurvedic pain relief oil for arthritis contains herbal formula which reduces effects of inflammatory molecules that affect soft tissues around joints. Strong ligaments connect two bones and prevent displacement problem which generally occur at shoulder. Strong and flexible tendons connect bones to muscles which prevent abnormal extended movements. Active fasciae keeps proper grip between muscles. Regular massage with this oil brings back body movements on track. Coordination between ligaments, tendons and fasciae allows one to make movements freely and do routine work without any difficulty. Back pain also gets reduced and one feels comfortable in doing various tasks.
Using Rumatone Gold oil for 3-4 months gives relief from arthritis stiffness and pain. This ayurvedic pain relief oil for arthritis gives optimum benefits without any side effects. Both men and women can use this oil to get rid of arthritis and joint stiffness naturally. It is also advised to take a healthy diet and do regular exercises to reduce stiffness and swelling for a long lasting period.