Herbal Thyroid Supplements To Cure Hyperthyroidism And Hypothyroidism Safely

Ayurvedic Remedies to Control Hypothyroidism

Thyroid is a gland which controls metabolic rate of various organs in body. When thyroid gland is triggered by TSH released by pituitary gland, T3 and T4 are released which regulate metabolism in body. Excessive or fewer release of TSH can result in more or less release of T3 and T4 in blood which further causes disorders in thyroid gland. Thyroid disorders can result in enlargement of thyroid gland and abnormal production of T3 and T4 which in turn can lead to hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism. Thyroid disorder can also raise psychological or mental issues resulting in anxiety, depression, mood swings, sleeping troubles, memory problems and hyperactivity. Deficiency of iodine is mainly responsible for causing thyroid disorder (hypothyroidism). Thyroid disorder may cause damage to blood vessels and increase risk of hypertension.

This health problem shows symptoms like fatigue, weight gain, cold hands and feet, excessive hair loss, dry skin, swelling in neck, hoarse voice, snoring, brittle nails, muscle and joint pain, etc. One suffering from thyroid disorders can use Thyronil capsules which are effective ayurvedic treatment for thyroid problem. Herbal ingredients of these supplements control the functions of pituitary gland, hypothalamus and thyroid gland. This maintains coordination between these three glands which help to control release of T3 and T4 naturally. Even during abnormal consumption of iodine, these capsules control thyroid gland functions. These capsules maintain T3 and T4 release and cure hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism. This keeps metabolic rate of different organs under control and maintains proper energy production in body. This also prevents weakness and provides optimum energy to muscles to strengthen body. Thus these capsules bring back metabolic processes on track.

Thyronil capsules consist of RaktaChandan, Kachnar, BehmanSurkh, Baheda, Unab, Gurmar, Guggul, Mulethi, Ashwagandha, Bala, Patharchur, Buch, Varuna, Haritaki and Sonth. These herbs control release of stress related hormones which causes overactive and underactive functions of pituitary gland. These herbal thyroid support supplements protect thyroid gland from autoimmune diseases. Anti-inflammatory property of ingredients in Thyronil capsules effectively reduces inflammation in thyroid gland which in turn prevents heaviness and discomfort in lower part of neck. These supplements do not cause any other disorders in body during their intake. These capsules also reduce heaviness in face which occurs due to thyroid disorders. These herbal thyroid supplements also help to keep away psychological problems associated with thyroid disorders like anxiety, hyperactivities, aggression, etc.

These capsules can also cure hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism naturally. This reduces obesity, tiredness, hair loss, inflammation in neck, pain in muscles and joints without any side effects. These herbal thyroid supplements reduce health issues like high blood pressure, rapid heartbeat, sweating, low tolerance for heat, frequent bowel movements, loss of consciousness, dizziness, weight loss related with hyperthyroidism and shortness of breath. In women, menstrual cycle becomes regular when thyroid functions are under control. This in turn reduces problems like pain, heavy bleeding and emotional attacks during periods. There is no need to follow any particular diet during consumption of these herbal thyroid supplements. Use Thyronil capsules for 3 to 4 months to get relief from thyroid disorders. Keep an eye on salt consumption to maintain healthy thyroid functions.


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