Ayurvedic Remedies For Type-2 Diabetes To Lower Blood Glucose Levels

Diabetes is a disorder that cannot be treated completely but only symptoms can be reversed. There are mainly two conditions responsible for raising sugar levels in blood:

1. First condition is when pancreas produces less or no insulin at all which is necessary as due to absence of insulin, cells are not able to absorb glucose from blood. This is called type-1 diabetes.
2. Second condition is when pancreas produces enough insulin but cells are not able to use it to absorb glucose from blood. This is called type-2 diabetes.

Ayurvedic Anti-Diabetic Supplements

In both conditions, one suffers from fatigue, sleeplessness during day time, frequent urination, excessive thirst, weight loss, blurred vision, slow healing and tingling in hands and feet. Diabetes can cause permanent blindness and can lead to life threatening conditions. Those who are less physically active and obese are at risk of high blood sugar. Genetic or hereditary factors can also be accounted for diabetes. There are herbal anti-diabetic supplements available which can lower blood glucose levels in a natural manner.

One can use Diabec capsules which are powerful ayurvedic remedies for type-2 diabetes. These capsules are completely herbal therefore there is no worry of side effects or other disorders. Herbal formula of these capsules not only improves pancreas but also controls diabetes symptoms. Vital nutrients provided by these capsules improve the ability of cells to use insulin present in blood. Energy production gets increased which in turn increases the utilization of glucose in blood. Blood sugar level comes down and with this, one gets relief from frequent urination and excessive thirst also. Since, cells get glucose from blood to produce energy so body weight does not reduce abnormally. Metabolic syndrome which indicates that one is at risk of type-2 diabetes can also be treated with these capsules.

Diabec capsules also protect insulin from autoimmune disorder in which antibodies kill beta cells that produce insulin. These ayurvedic remedies for type-2 diabetes are also helpful in case of genetic disorder and hereditary case. These capsules contain Haldi, Jamun, Jawadi Kasturi, Shubhra Bhasma, Neem, Gurmar and Aamla.

These herbs have been included in ayurvedic treatment to control sugar levels due to their following benefits

Haldi - It’s a strong antioxidant which has powerful anti-inflammatory effects. It enhances repairing power and helps body to heal fast during the problem of high blood sugar.
Jamun - This anti-diabetic fruit contains jamboline which is a kind of glucose that prevents conversion of starch into sugar.
Jawadi Kasturi - This herb present in ayurvedic remedies for type-2 diabetes is rich in vitamins C, E and A due to which it is helpful in keeping eyes healthy against diabetes.
Shubhra Bhasma - This herb effectively brings down high level of blood sugar and gives relief from symptoms of diabetes.
Neem - It optimizes insulin receptor functions to increase usage of blood sugar by body cells.
Gurmar - This herb reduces absorption of sugar from intestines and also increases insulin level in body.
Aamla - It stimulates group of cells that produce insulin in body and keeps blood sugar level under control.

Use these ayurvedic remedies for type-2 diabetes for 3 to 4 months to get relief from high blood sugar symptoms. Increase in physical activities or sports can help to achieve fast results and can keep blood sugar under control naturally. 

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