Ayurvedic Treatment For Constipation To Treat Flatulence And Gas

Indigestion can happen any time to anyone but if not treated on time can result in constipation which nearly stops or lowers down bowel movements. There are severe cases where due to indigestion, hard stools block intestines and create problems like abdominal bloating, flatulence, formation of toxic gas, headache, vomit, sour burps, intense pain in stomach and intestines. It becomes very difficult to bear pain especially for kids and elders. Many times people decline urge for emptying bowel movements which later on causes problems.  Generally constipation happens to those who spend maximum time sitting at one place, eat heavy and non-fibrous meals and drink less water. Eating frequently with lesser time gap reduces the time required for proper digestion of food. Poor functions of gastric gland also creates problem in digestion as problem occurs in breaking down food particles and food is not digested properly. One may also suffer from inflamed piles problem due to chronic constipation.

Herbal Constipation Relief Treatment

Although, there are many supplements available which treat constipation effectively but only till one uses them. These capsules make one dependant and the problem reappears when one stops using them. One can use Arozyme capsules which give long lasting relief as the powerful ingredients of these capsules enhance digestion process in body and treat flatulence and gas safely. These capsules provide effective ayurvedic treatment for constipation. Herbal formula of this ayurvedic treatment for constipation helps in proper functioning of gastric glands in stomach which secrete hydrochloric acid in adequate amount. Complex food materials get break down into small particles easily. This makes it easy for liver to absorb vital nutrients and convert them into glucose which is used to produce energy for muscles. This also gives power to endure pain due to indigestion. Bowel movements become regular due to enhanced functions of intestines. Healthy colon makes movement of stools easy so one does not have to put excessive pressure to excrete waste.

Arozyme capsules contain Poudina, Haritaki, Madhurkshar, Hing, Dikamali, Sonth, Ajwain and Sanay. These ingredients are used from years in ayurvedic treatment for constipation. Poudina contains antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties which improve muscles in stomach. Calming and soothing effect of this herb aids in upset stomach also. Haritaki improves appetite and due to its laxative nature, it improves colon functions. Madhurkshar neutralizes stomach acid and gives relief from heartburn. Hing possesses antioxidant, anti-flatulent and anti-inflammatory properties that help to prevent problems like upset stomach, gas, flatulence and intestinal worms. Dikamali acts as a pain killer and due to its antiseptic properties, it heals wounds which happen due to hard stools in intestines and anus. Strong action of this herb treats constipation and supports bowel movement.

Sonth present in this ayurvedic treatment for constipation treats stomach irritation and headache caused due to release of toxic gas from improperly digested food. Ajwain is used in herbal constipation treatment because it is effective and instant remedy for stomach ache. Sanay keeps bowel movements regular in order to forbid constipation naturally. One does not have to suffer through pain due to inflamed piles as nourishment improves blood vessels in intestinal walls and anus. Use this ayurvedic treatment for constipation for 3 to 4 months consistently. It is suggested to include fiber and nutrient rich foods in diet to treat flatulence and gas and other digestive problems naturally.

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