Ayurvedic Treatment For Acidity To Get Relief From Indigestion

Acidity has become a common problem which affects normal life of a person as it is related to indigestion. High amount of spices in foods affects gastric gland which further produces hydrochloric acid in excess. This results in production of gas which causes acid reflux and chest pain. Due to excess of HCL, food particles do not break properly and digestion becomes difficult. Acid reflux also causes irregularities in bowel movements and constipation. Improperly digested food releases toxic gas which causes abdominal bloating also. Temptation towards junk food, short or long gap between two meals and not drinking enough water are few factors responsible for causing acidity. If not treated on time, acidity can lead to gastric inflammation and ulcers in stomach. Those who drink a lot of alcohol and eat spicy and oily foods are the ones suffering from acid reflux often. For mild acidity, consuming a glass of cold milk can give relief.

Herbal Remedies to Cure Gas and Acidity

One who is suffering from acidity from long time can use ayurvedic supplements which give long term relief. Herbozyme capsules provide the most effective ayurvedic treatment for acidity. This ayurvedic treatment for acidity problems provides vital nutrients which support healthy digestion and metabolism. These supplements improve the functioning of gastric gland which releases hydrochloric acid. This helps to break down complex food material easily into small particles. Further, process of absorption of nutrients from foods become easy and other body organs get optimum amount of oxygen and nutrients. Since food is digested properly, no toxic gas is formed. Muscles and nerves remain healthy in stomach and intestines which keep bowel movements regular.

With this ayurvedic treatment for acidity, one is able to get relief from indigestion, abdominal bloating, constipation, sour burps, etc. Metabolism becomes fast when food is digested properly and therefore one gets optimum energy to do various activities. Muscle development and immunity increases in body which protects body organs from illnesses and keeps various functions on track. Herbozyme capsules contain Hing, Poudina, Madhur kshar, Satt poudina and Ajwain.

These herbs have been included in ayurvedic treatment for acidity due to their following benefits

Hing - This ingredient is anti-inflammatory, anti-flatulent and antispasmodic in nature. This herb cures respiratory disorders, treats stomach problems and intestinal gas. Antioxidants present in this herb prevent damage from toxins and free radicals also.
Poudina - It gives relief from nausea, fatigue, sour burps and headache which one feels due to acidity. Quick action of this herb gives relief from gas and stomach pain relatively fast. Calming effect of this herb soothes muscles and nerves in stomach and intestines.
Madhur kshar - This herb acts as antacid which gives relief from burning sensation in chest and stomach due to acid reflux problem. So, it is included in herbal treatment for acidity and indigestion.
Satt poudina - It acts as a blood cleanser due to its antiseptic and anti bacterial properties.
Ajwain - This herb eases digestion and gives instant relief from stomach pain. This herb is an instant remedy for gas and flatulence.

Use this ayurvedic treatment for acidity for at least 3 to 4 months to get relief from indigestion easily. It is suggested to eat fiber rich diet and drink plenty of water to maintain healthy digestion process in body. Doing regular exercise also helps in keeping digestion process on track naturally.

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