Ayurvedic Iron Supplements To Prevent Anemia Problem Effectively

Anemia happens when red blood cell count is relatively low and iron deficiency is the most common reason behind it. Lack of iron in body lowers down hemoglobin count which is necessary to supply oxygen from lungs to tissues. This affects energy production in body and causes weakness and fatigue.
There are three conditions due to which one suffers through low red blood cell count in body
1. When bone marrow produces fewer red blood cells than normal.
2. When spleen destroys red blood cells faster than the rate at which RBC’s are produced.
3. When one experiences blood loss due to injuries or internal bleeding.
Eating healthy iron rich diet cannot alone help in severe case of anemia and therefore one needs extra supplements to overcome problem of anemia. One can use Herboglobin capsules which are powerful ayurvedic iron supplements. This ayurvedic treatment for low hemoglobin provides adequate amount of iron and also increases the body’s natural ability to absorb iron from food. Nutrients provided by these supplements improve functions of bone marrow and spleen also. Major function of bone marrow is to produce red blood cells and spleen is to recycle and remove old red blood cells. These supplements are also beneficial for women to prevent anemia problem due to blood loss during childbirth, menstrual cycle and menopause time. These capsules increase energy production which prevents fatigue and weakness. Prevention of iron deficiency improves brain functions, enhances memory and increases concentration power which in turn supports learning ability of a person.
These herbal pills to increase hemoglobin contain the following herbs
Lauh bhasma - This ingredient of ayurvedic iron supplements is highly rich in calcined iron which promotes production of red blood cells.
Gajwan - This ingredient is helpful in treating blood disorders.
Safed Musli - This herb boosts energy and strengthens immune system. This herb increases vitamin C and antioxidant activities in body. It also helps in weight management and prevents weight gain.
Kahu - This herb contains vitamins, minerals, alkaloids, carbohydrates, proteins, fiber and water. This ingredient is highly rich in iron which increases the level of hemoglobin in blood.
Shilajit - This herb provides energy which helps to prevent weakness caused due to anemia.
Godanti Hadtal - This herb in ayurvedic iron supplements contains natural calcium and sulphur which aid in headache, bleeding disorders and uterine bleeding.
Ashwagandha - This herb possesses hemo-poetic property which helps in producing new red blood cells in body.
Kesar - This herb is rich in iron which helps body in blood cell production.
Taj - It improves blood circulation and strengthens immune system.
Long - This herb cleanses and detoxifies blood and increases flow of oxygen in body which keeps one healthy.
Hirabol - This herb helps to overcome iron deficiency and increase hemoglobin count.
Use these powerful ayurvedic iron supplements for at least 3 to 4 months to get long lasting results. Both men and women can take these herbal supplements for long time.