Ayurvedic Remedies To Improve Thyroid Functions In A Safe Manner

Ayurvedic Treatment for Thyroid Problem

Thyroid gland makes triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4) which help to control body's metabolism. Pituitary gland releases TSH (Thyroid stimulating hormone) which controls the functions of thyroid gland.

A person suffers through thyroid disorder because of one of the following conditions

Hypothyroidism - One suffers through this problem when underactive thyroid gland produces lesser amount of triiodothyronine and thyroxine.
Hyperthyroidism - Excessive production of T3 and T4 by overactive thyroid gland due to higher secretion of TSH by pituitary gland.

There are many factors which influence TSH levels and thyroid functions like deficiency or excess of iodine, inflammation in thyroid gland, genetic disorders, hereditary problems, chemotherapy, certain medications, etc. A person with thyroid disorders suffers through symptoms like restlessness, agitation, anxiety, weight loss despite proper diet, sweating, rapid heart rate, intolerance to heat, and frequent bowel movements. To keep TSH levels in healthy range, it is necessary to undergo treatment. With the help of natural supplements, one can get long lasting relief.

One can use Thyronil capsules which are the best ayurvedic remedies to improve thyroid functions. These herbal thyroid support supplements contain ingredients which enhance functions of hypothalamus, pituitary gland and thyroid gland. Blood circulation also improves and this increases supply of nutrients towards these glands. Coordination increases between these three glands and this prevents overactive and underactive functions of thyroid gland. These supplements give relief from symptoms of both hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism. Due to adaptogenic properties of herbs in these supplements, these can control secretion of stress related hormones to reduce stress, anxiety and tension that affect healthy functions of pituitary gland.

These ayurvedic remedies to improve thyroid functions are especially helpful for women. Menstrual cycle becomes regular and this improves overall health of women. Due to controlled metabolic rate in body, one gets relief from abnormal weight loss also. Maintained level of T3 and T4 in blood promotes functions of heart, central nervous system, digestive system, adrenal glands, reproductive system and bone marrow. Energy production increases in body which gives relief from weakness, fatigue and tiredness too. Both men and women can take this effective ayurvedic treatment for thyroid problem. These capsules protect thyroid gland from autoimmune disorders also and thus protect cells in thyroid that produce T3 and T4.

Thyronil capsules contain Ashwagandha, Mulethi, Gurmar, Kachnar, Behman Surkh, Varuna, Sonth, Guggul, Rakta Chandan, Patharchur, Buch, Baheda, Unab, Haritaki and Bala. Anti-inflammatory action of these herbs reduces swelling in thyroid gland and thus gives relief from pain and heaviness in neck. Revitalizing property of these herbs enhance functions of thyroid gland in order to prevent less or excessive T3 and T4 production. Some of these herbs contain glycyrrhizin which protect thyroid gland from infections, virus, bacteria and microbial growth also. Due to presence of antioxidants in these herbs, thyroid gland gets protection from free radicals and toxins too. Regular consumption of Thyronil capsules for 3 to 4 months can provide long lasting results. It is necessary to continuously take these ayurvedic remedies to improve thyroid functions. Take sound sleep and proper rest to achieve fast results. Also, keep watch over consumption of salt to keep thyroid problems away.

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