Ayurvedic Remedies For Arthritis To Get Relief From Joint Pain

Herbal Remedies to Get Rid of Arthritis Pain

Arthritis generally happens with increasing age and osteoarthritis is the most common type of arthritis. Most common reason for osteoarthritis problem is damage in cartilage which causes friction or grinding between bone ends at joints. Due to increase in weight, pressure on joint parts increases which causes pain and inflammation in joints while movements. Lack of nutrients affects condition of fibrous tissues (ligaments, tendons, fascia and synovium) and this affects the support which interconnects bones and muscles. Deficiency of vitamin D results in thinning of bones which causes weakness and one faces problem while making movements. Women are at high risk of arthritis as women start losing calcium after age of 30. Arthritis problem may cause deformation of bones which may lead to problems in performing daily routine activities.

One can get relief from arthritis pain to some extent by using hot and cold therapies often, taking proper rest between activities, doing physical activities or exercises regularly and by maintaining healthy weight according to BMI. One can use combination of Rumatone Gold capsules and Rumatone Gold oil which are powerful ayurvedic remedies for arthritis. These herbal remedies for joint pain provide vital nutrients and also increase ability of body to absorb nutrients from foods. Proper digestion, metabolism and improved blood circulation further increase supply of nourishment to fibrous tissues in joint parts. Healthy ligaments, tendons and fascia support movements at joints and this helps one to do routine activities with ease like climbing stairs, griping things, bending, etc. These capsules also provide vitamin D in abundant which help body to absorb calcium from food. This calcium is used to regulate various processes in body and bone tissue regeneration.

Rumatone Gold capsules contain the following herbs

Lohban - This herb is highly beneficial in treating arthritis pain.
Triphala - This ingredient promotes proper digestion, weight management, cleansing and detoxification of body.
Sonth - This ingredient of ayurvedic remedies for arthritis not only reduces inflammation in joint parts but also provides energy to overcome weakness.
Kesar - Potassium, found in saffron, is a necessary source that favors cell formation and repair. The overall mineral content including calcium, vitamins, proteins, etc., present in saffron ensure the maintenance of optimum health.
Ramyaphal - This herb promotes absorption of calcium from food which is used to regulate various body functions and also strengthens bones.
Rigni - This herb reduces inflammation and prevents stiffness and pain during movements at joints.

All the above herbs are mixed with extracts of Kali Mirch, Kapur and Hartal to make Rumatone Gold capsules which are unique ayurvedic remedies for arthritis.

Rumatone Gold oil contains

Gaultheria Fragrantissima - This ingredient is anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic in nature which helps to get relief from joint pain. Due to its antiseptic property, this herb effectively stops growth of disease causing microorganisms also.
Sesamum Indicum Oil - This herb is rich in vitamins B1 and E, zinc, copper, magnesium, protein and dietary fiber. Anti-inflammatory action of this oil prevents inflammation in the affected joint area. It also contains adequate amount of calcium which strengthens bones and prevents weakness which forbids one from doing movements.
Mentha Sylvestris - This effective oil relieves inflammation and cramps which reduce range of motion.

Use these powerful ayurvedic joint pain relief pills and oil for at least 3 to 4 months to get long term relief from joint problems.


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