Ayurvedic Treatment For Hemorrhoids To Reduce Piles Pain Naturally

Herbal Remedies to Treat Piles

All people have piles but normally there is no inflammation. But when someone exerts more pressure to get rid of waste production, blood circulation increases in anus area and causes swelling in veins in anus walls. Inflammation in blood vessels increases with increase in pressure. It generally happens when someone has constipation. During bowel movements, piles bleed due to friction between inflamed veins and stool. Hemorrhoids can be both internal and external and it depends on the level of inflammation. During mild swelling in veins, one has internal hemorrhoids which are not visible. And when swelling is chronic, lumps are formed which hang out of anus opening and block the way of excreting stools. Both type of hemorrhoids cause pain, itching and irritation in anus walls. People often decline the urge for emptying bowels due to terror of pain and this further gives rise to health problems. Toxins build up inside body and cause nausea, vomiting, etc.

Inflammation in piles can happen in any age and it mostly depends on diet. If one do not eat fiber rich foods, constipation is likely to happen. Poor functions of colon can also lead to piles inflammation as bowel movements become slow or stools stick to colon walls. Drinking less water than body requirement can also result in formation of hard stools. One can use Pilesgon capsules which provide the most effective ayurvedic treatment for hemorrhoids. This ayurvedic treatment for piles treats the root cause of inflammation in piles. Active ingredients of these capsules ease digestion by increasing enzyme activities in stomach. This prevents constipation in which one needs to exert pressure during bowel movements. Herbal formula of these supplements treats inflammation in the affected area and this helps to reduce piles pain naturally.

Following herbs are used in this ayurvedic treatment for hemorrhoids

Shudh takan - Anti-inflammatory action of this herb reduces swelling in veins in anus.
Hemsagar - This herb gives relief from pain and burning when stools pass through anus and rectum.
Ayapana - This herb possesses antibacterial and antifungal properties and this helps in treating infections in anal canal.
Reetha - This ingredient of Pilesgon capsules acts as a cleansing agent which mildly cleans anus.
Indraju -This herb present in ayurvedic treatment for hemorrhoids is astringent, anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial in nature which prevents infection caused due to wounds and bleeding.
Kalijiri - It treats irritation and itching in anal walls. Its anti-inflammatory and soothing properties give relief from hemorrhoid symptoms.
Khun Sosha - This herb possesses astringent property which stops bleeding and heals wounds.
Rasaunt -This ingredient effectively cures intestinal inflammation and treats colon ulcers.
Kathha -This herb acts as an antipyretic and anti-inflammatory substance which reduces inflammation in piles in anus effectively.
Haritaki - It prevents chronic constipation and promotes colon functions which help to evacuate stools easily without causing any pain.

This ayurvedic hemorrhoids treatment is completely herbal and therefore safe for prolonged use for both men and women. Use this ayurvedic treatment for hemorrhoids for 3 to 4 months consistently to achieve fast results. Include fiber rich foods in your daily diet and drink plenty of water to improve digestive health.

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