Ayurvedic Remedies For Acidity To Get Rid Of Gas And Bloating

Ayurvedic Remedies for Acidity Problem

Acidity is a health problem which can be reversed back with the help of appropriate treatment. This problem can cause mild to severe pain and discomfort leading to indigestion and poor bowel movements. A person suffering with acidity experiences burning pain or discomfort in stomach, sour or bitter tasting acid coming back in throat and mouth, hiccups, chronic soreness in throat, bloating, nausea, bloody or black stools, wheezing and dysphagia. With the help of ayurvedic remedies for acidity, one can get long lasting relief from acid reflux.

There are certain foods that increase acid reflux in body

1. Chocolate - It contains caffeine, cocoa and fat which cause acid reflux. It causes sudden increase in acidity in body.
2. Soda and other carbonated beverages contain bubbles which expand inside stomach and cause pressure that result in formation of excessive hydrochloric acid.
3. Fried foods contain high amount of fat which contribute in heartburn and chest pain due to acidity.
4. Alcoholic beverages contain high toxin value that upset healthy functions of gastric gland in stomach.
5. Eating dairy products high in fat increases acidity level and therefore one must avoid these foods.
6. High fat meats like pork, beef and lamb stay longer in stomach for digestion and this cause gastric gland to produce more hydrochloric acid.
7. Drinking coffee all day can increase problem of acid reflux.

Some simple changes in lifestyle can help in overcoming acidity problem naturally

1. Do deep breathing exercises three times a day. This practice not only increases energy but also reduces acid that cause damage in body.
2. Include habit of drinking 8 ounce glasses of water with lemon or apple cider vinegar every morning.
3. Include foods in your diet that contain alkaline nutrients as these increase the self-healing ability of body to protect it from ill-effects of acidity and help in regaining energy.
4. Avoid foods like artificial sweeteners, caffeine, dairy products, gluten, alcohol, soda, carbonated water and foods containing high amount of sugar.
5. Sweating helps in releasing toxins and acid that build up inside body and therefore it is good to follow exercise routine.

Acid reflux may cause severe problems like ulcers in stomach. So, one must give priority to this problem and concentrate on finding solution for it. With herbal acidity treatment, a person can get prolong relief from acidity. One can use Herbozyme capsules which are the best ayurvedic remedies for acidity.

These supplements provide the following given benefits

1. These capsules improve functions of gastric gland in stomach to control production of hydrochloric acid which helps in digestion of food.
2. Active ingredients of these ayurvedic remedies for acidity neutralize excessive acid produced in stomach.
3. These capsules contain ingredients which help in breaking down complex foods. This prevents food from staying in stomach for long time.
4. Cooling effect of these supplements soothes nerves and muscles which get affected by acidity.
5. Effective formula of these capsules helps one to get rid of gas and bloating also.
6. Bowel movements become regular due to which toxins and acid get regularly eliminated from body.
7. This ayurvedic treatment for acidity and indigestion also provides protection to muscles in stomach and intestines.

Herbozyme capsules contain herbs that aid digestion such as Sat Podina, Hing, Madhur Char, Ajwain and Podina which make these capsules most effective ayurvedic remedies for acidity. Regularly use these remedies for 3 to 4 months to get the best results.

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