Ayurvedic Treatment For Thyroid Disorders To Get Rid Of Hypothyroidism

Ayurvedic Treatment for Thyroid Problems

Hypothyroidism happens when thyroid gland becomes underactive and produces less T3 and T4. Metabolism of body slows down when one suffers from hypothyroidism. Consuming fewer amount of salt in foods affects the functions of thyroid gland. Hypothyroidism shows symptoms like impaired memory, depression, slow heart rate, hair thinning, weight gain, dry skin, constipation, increased sensitivity to cold, puffy face, pain, stiffness or swelling in joints, fatigue, muscle aches, tenderness and stiffness. One may suffer from hypothyroidism due to congenital diseases, pituitary gland dysfunction, pregnancy and iodine deficiency. Risk of hypothyroidism increases when one is suffering from autoimmune diseases or having family history of thyroid diseases or is going through radioactive or anti-thyroid therapy. Untreated hypothyroidism can lead to goiter, heart problems, infertility, mental health issues like depression, peripheral neuropathy and myxedema and birth defects.

One must take appropriate treatment to avoid severe and life threatening conditions. One can use Thyronil capsules which provide the best ayurvedic treatment for thyroid disorders. These herbal thyroid support supplements improve blood circulation to increase coordination between hypothalamus, pituitary and thyroid glands. Essential nutrients provided by these supplements improve health of pituitary gland which then releases proper amount of TSH. This hormone signals thyroid gland to produce required amount of T3 and T4 which travel with blood stream to maintain metabolic rate of organs in body. Proper energy production gives relief from weakness also. These capsules reduce symptoms like dry hair, irritability, decreased libido, cold intolerance, memory loss, weight gain or loss, constipation, depression, weakness, muscle cramps, etc., which happen due to hypothyroidism.

Treatment of hypothyroidism brings back menstrual cycle on track in women and gives relief from period pain and irregularities too. Psychological disorders also reduce which happen due to improper functioning of thyroid gland. This ayurvedic treatment for thyroid problem contains Varuna, Ashwagandha, Bala, Sonth, Guggul, Behman Surkh, Kachnar, Rakta Chandan, Haritaki, Unab, Mulethi, Baheda, Gurmar, Buch and Patharchur. These herbs are very effective in treating the root cause of thyroid disorders.

The benefits of these herbs are given below

1. These herbs present in ayurvedic treatment for thyroid disorders possess anti-inflammatory property which reduces swelling and gives relief from pain and heaviness in neck.
2. Revitalizing action of these herbs improve functions of thyroid gland in order to control secretion of T3 and T4.
3. Presence of Glycyrrhizin in these herbs stops microbial growth and protects thyroid gland from various infections and viral attack.
4. These herbs are rich in antioxidants which protect cells in thyroid gland from damage due to free radicals and toxins.
5. These herbs also promote functions of heart, central nervous system, digestive system, adrenal glands, reproductive system and bone marrow.

Balanced amount of T3 and T4 in blood keep thyroid functions and other vital body systems on track and also help to get rid of hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism naturally. This prevents chances of diarrhea, heartbeat problem, anxiety, constipation, nervousness, depression, infertility, irregular periods, impotency and adrenal fatigue. Take this powerful ayurvedic treatment for thyroid disorders for 3 to 4 months in a regular manner to achieve optimum results. One can extend the usage period according to his/her need. These herbal supplements are suitable for both men and women of any age. It is suggested to keep control over consumption of salt to maintain health of thyroid gland.

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